I was invited to an all day scrapbook retreat this coming Saturday. We are all supposed to bring a project to share with everyone. I am excited to see and make all the fun things. This is a sneak peak at the 1-page 12X12 layout I will be sharing with everyone. I will post the layout on Saturday, so come back to see it!
I had absolutely no idea that you had a scrappin' blog. I had your family blog under my scrappin blog. Well thank God I came over here because your work is very beautiful. You are giving me tons of ideas for my layouts. Thanks for the inspiration!!!!!!!!! oh, and your kids are gorgeous! They must be really close in age. My boys are 15 months apart [now they are 6 &5].
CTMH sister
What a teaser! I love the sneak peak, and can't wait to see your page. Hope your Saturday retreat goes great. I just came home from a weekend CTMH crop 500 miles away with my upline in Ohio! Not a good time to travel in the midwest, and thank God I got through a blizzard in Indiana yesterday. All 85 CTMH people had so much fun together!
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